Meeting in Saint-Denis: Wenesday, March 16th 2016
Morning (from 10:30am )
- Summary on the ANR project THE CASCADE (G. Millérioux)
- report on the mid-term review of the ANR project THE CASCADE
- submitted publications as part of the ANR project THE CASCADE and forthcoming publications
- summary on the project tasks that have been done
- Specifications of the LPV-based SSSC scheme and first cryptanalysis results (B. Dravie)
Afternoon (from 2:00 pm)
Roadmap for subsequent works
- design of the architecture for the hardware implementation (V. Liccioni and J. Francq)
- statictical tests, cryptanalysis and implementation of attacks (H. Torko)
- side channel attacks (N. El Mrabet)
- study of new architectures of SSSC based on LPV system