Journal papers
M. PHILIPPE, G. MILLERIOUX and R. JUNGERS 2016, Deciding the boundedness and dead-beat stability of constrained switched systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
B. DRAVIE, P. GUILLOT and G. MILLERIOUX, 2016, Security Proof of the Canonical Form of Self-Synchronizing Stream Ciphers. In Designs, Codes and Cryptography.
B. DRAVIE, J.PARRIAUX, P. GUILLOT and G. MILLERIOUX, 2015, Matrix representations of vectorial Boolean functions and eigenanalysis. In Cryptography and Communications-Discrete-Structures Boolean Functions and Sequences.
International Conference papers
B. DRAVIE, P. GUILLOT and G. MILLERIOUX, Design of Self-Synchronizing Stream Ciphers: a New Control-Theoretical Paradigm. In proceeding of the 20th IFAC World Congress (IFAC2017), 9-14 July 2017, Toulouse, France.
B. DRAVIE, T. BOUKHOBZA and G. MILLERIOUX, A mixed algebraic/graph-oriented approach for flatness of SISO LPV discrete-time systems. In proceeding of the 2017 American Control Conference (ACC 2017), May 24–26, 2017, Seattle, WA, USA.
P. GUILLOT, G. MILLERIOUX, B. DRAVIE and N. EL MRABET, Spectral Approach for Correlation Power Analysis. In proceeding of the Second International Conference of Codes, Cryptology and Information Security (C2SI2017), April 10 -12, 2017, Rabat, Morocco.
G. MILLERIOUX and T. BOUKHOBZA, Graphical characterization of the set of all flat outputs for structured linear discrete-time systems, Proc. of 6th Symposium on System Structure and Control, (SSSC 2016), 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
G. MILLERIOUX and T. BOUKHOBZA, Characterization of flat outputs for LPV discrete-time systems : a graph-oriented approach., Proc. of 54th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'15), 2015, Osaka, Japon.
G. MILLERIOUX and J. PARRIAUX , Discrete time-varying delayed systems for secure communication, Proc. of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'15), 2015, Lisboa, Portugal.
B. DRAVIE, P. GUILLOT and G. MILLERIOUX, Security Proof of the Canonical Form of Self-Synchronizing Stream Cipher. In proceeding of the ninth Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC'15), April 2015, Paris, France.
G. MILLERIOUX. Chaotic cryptosystems in communication within an lpv framework. In Proc. of 9th IEEE International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP14), 25-27 July, 2014, Manchester, UK.
M. HALIMI, G. MILLERIOUX and J. DAAFOUZ, Mode detection and discernability as a framework for the estimation of time-varying delays, Proc. of 13th European Control Conference (ECC'14), 2014, Strasbourg, France.
National Conferences
G. MILLERIOUX, 2017, THEorie du Contrôle Appliquée à la Synchronisation des CommunicAtions DiscrEtes, 6e édition Crypto'Puces, Porquerolles, France.
B. DRAVIE, 2017, Une approche spectrale pour l'analyse de corrélation sur l'alimentation,6e édition Crypto'Puces, Porquerolles, France.
M. OULADJ and P. GUILLOT, 2017, Réduire le nombre de traces pour une attaque CPA, 6e édition Crypto'Puces, Porquerolles, France.
J. FRANCQ, 2017, Implémentations de l'algorithme LPV-SSSC et démonstrations, 6e édition Crypto'Puces, Porquerolles, France.
B. DRAVIE, P. GUILLOT and G. MILLERIOUX, 2015, Construction d’un chiffreur auto-synchronisant basée sur la propriété de platitude, 12e édition Journées Codage et Cryptographie (JC2'15), La Londe-les-Maures, France.