Workshop "Flatness of dynamical systems"

Morning: Talk

  • Speaker: Christian Fleck, Engineer at Bosch, Suttgart, Germany

    Title: An introduction to the inversion of dynamical systems: flatness

    Afternoon: Lab

    • Teacher: Alexandre Wagner, Engineer at Bosch, Stuttgart, Germany

      Title: Trajectory planning with input constraints


      FLECK Christian

      WAGNER Alexandre

      BLOCH Gerard

      MILLERIOUX Gilles

      BRION Jonas

      BIGOT Julie

      CHEVET Corentin

      DUBAIL Maxime

      HACQUARD Antoine

      JACQUOT Audric

      JOLY Sébastien

      JOUFFROY Theau

      MERCKY Pierre

      PIUCCO Marion

      POIX Stanislas

      ROSSI Sandra

      RUPP Mathieu

      SCHARFF Vincent

      STEIBLIN Lucas

      TRUTTMANN Yann

      URBANSKI Mariane